Where to Find Petrified Wood in New World
There are many resources and materials to collect in New World, and there are multiple ways to find them. Some of these resources are rare and thus not easy to find. One of these resources is petrified wood. If you were wondering how to get your hands on petrified wood, the answer is simple.
To find petrified wood, all you have to do is chop trees. While this is a simple enough task, your chances of getting petrified wood are actually fairly low. Typically you will get a lot of greenwood, resin, or sap. But you can improve your odds of getting petrified wood.
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To do so, you can first increase your logging skill. The higher it is, the more likely it is you will get petrified wood as a drop. Using higher-tier pickaxes is another way to improve your chances. Finally, you can consume items that increase your logging luck.
You will want to find petrified wood because it is used in several crafting recipes. You will need this type of wood if you want to craft the Venerable Recurve, the Sparklight, the Breach Hunter's Fire Staff, the Adept Cryomancer's Gauntlet, or the Arctic Dusk. It may be a little boring chopping down trees, but it is worth it in the end.
For more information on New World, check How to Solve the Failed to Join Login Queue Connection Error in New World and How to level Weapon Masteries in New World? on Pro Game Guides.