What to do during Beach Day in Rune Factory 5

Publish date: 2023-02-21

Rune Factory 5 is a big game that has tons of different activities for you to do. It may not always be apparent what each holiday is going to be focused on or what you should do during it. Beach day is a fun event that occurs yearly and one that you don't need to prepare for in advance.

Beach Day is simply the day that the townsfolk head down to the beach, and it occurs on the first day of Summer. There aren't any complicated cooking contests or strange mini-games to win for prizes. It is just a lazy day at the beach. The upside is that it's easy to find everyone, talk to them, and give them gifts.

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Here, you can see the swimwear of your favorite characters, and if you ask them to adventure with you, they will wear their swimwear until the end of the day while exploring dungeons. In many ways, this is the beach episode of an anime. It's meant to be a relaxing day where you just enjoy the game's character designs.

For more on Rune Factory 5, check out All Meteor locations after a Star Shower in Rune Factory 5 on Pro Game Guides!
