Tribes of Midgard - Pro Game Guides

Publish date: 2023-05-10

Tribes of Midgard is one of the best survival coop roguelike games out there on the market, as it allows players to work together to survive the Viking end of the world known as Ragnarok. In the game, players take on the role of mythical Viking heroes, and battle to defend a Viking village from […]

Tribes of Midgard’s Serpent Saga update has added many new features and content to the game. Some of the features that players can find and experience are new Saga Quests, a new Saga Boss, and even new enemy types. The Serpent Saga update for Tribes of Midgard has also added a ton of brand new items. […]

Tribes of Midgard will receive a brand new free update dubbed the Serpent Saga on Dec 14th. The Serpent Saga will add a whole host of free content to the game and vastly expand the game with new enemies and a brand new biome. Also included in the Serpent update are new weapons, armor, starter […]

The store in Tribes of Midgard will rotate items on display on a daily and weekly basis from a select group of items.  Items from the weekly tab called feature will cost an in-game currency called platinum that can be either bought or earned through season rewards or challenges. Daily items can be bought using golden horns […]

To defeat 30 wolf-type enemies challenge in Tribes of Midgard, players will need to kill a total of 30 enemies that fall under the categories of wolves. These included the many variants of wolves in the game and maybe werewolves. You can find both types of wolves in most biomes, but the easiest to find and […]
