Roblox Shindo Life Mask Codes (June 2022)

Publish date: 2023-03-31

Our Roblox Shindo Life Mask Codes has the most up-to-date list of OP codes that you can redeem for cool custom masks! These designs will set you apart from the rest of the pack, as you play in style!

All Shindo Life Mask Codes List

We'll keep you updated with additional codes once they are released. You should make sure to redeem these as soon as possible because you'll never know when they could expire! All of these codes have been tested on the date that this post was released. If you find one that is expired, please let us know the exact code in the comments below so we can remove it!

Make sure to enter the code exactly as it is listed or it might not work correctly!

How to Redeem Shindo Life Mask Codes

It's easy to redeem codes for mask designs in Shindo Life. First, enter the game and spawn into a world. Then, hit M to pull open to Menu and select the second to last option on the Menu, Customs. You will need to buy the Customs Gamepass for 250 Robux. Click on the Mask section here and enter the code. You can then confirm the design and pay whatever amount (it varies) of RELL Coins it asks for the mask.

Shindo Life Mask Codes (Working)

If you're looking for codes for other games, we have a ton of them in our Roblox Game Codes post! You can also get a bunch of free stuff via our Roblox Promo Codes page.
