How to get all Rethramis Cooking Collectibles in Lost Ark
You can find Cooking Collectibles in every region of Lost Ark. The process of finding or crafting each one can be difficult if you don't know what to do. Luckily, we have assembled all of the cooking collectibles for the Rethramis continent below. While many of these require multiple steps, some only need to be purchased.
Table of Contents Where to find all Cooking Collectibles in Rethramis in Lost Ark Veda's Prideholme-style Regria Flower Oil Dawntree Sprout Cider Craft Regria Wheat Bread Protein packed White Bird Stew 500-year old Mera Wine Holy Potato with Teeth MarksWhere to find all Cooking Collectibles in Rethramis in Lost Ark
Below you will find each Cooking Collectible in the Adventurer's Tome of Rethramis. For a more detailed explanation of any collectibles listed below, click on its name to go to its dedicated page.
Veda's Prideholme-style
If you want Veda's Prideholme-style Home Food, you need to go to Prideholme and buy it. You will find the Potion Merchant named Veda next to the tavern. If you speak to Veda, she will be able to provide you with Veda's Prideholme-style Home Food for 3,000 silver.
Regria Flower Oil
You can find Regria Flower Oil at the Rethramis Border area. Head towards the middle of the map in this area and you will find Regria Monastery. Head that way but go towards the western entrance. When you're there, get closer to the left of the spiky barricade. Look for the guard and then go to their right to find an interactive button prompt situated above the fire torch.
Press the Investigate icon to get the Regria Flower Oil.
Related: Where to find all Monsters in the Rethramis region in Lost Ark?
Dawntree Sprout Cider
To craft Dawntree Sprout Cider, you need to find the only ingredient from The Solar Tree Sprout in Rethramis Border. You need to go to the red square in the image above.
Look at the red square on the map near the barricade. Between the brazier and the windmill is the Solar Tree Sprout. As soon as you have it, speak with an NPC Chef named Hely and craft Dawntree Sprout Cider for 900 Silver. She can be found in the southwest area of Prideholme, just look for the Chef's Hat icon.
Craft Regria Wheat Bread
Obtaining a Giant Wheat Sack is the first step in crafting Regria Wheat Bread. You cannot make this bread without this ingredient. At the southernmost part of Prideholmes in the farm area is the Giant Wheat Sack. You will find an interactive prompt on the hay cart in front of the cows.
After you have obtained the Giant Wheat Sack, you must speak with Hely, the cook in Prideholme. She can be found in the southwest area. On the map, look for the Chef's Hat icon. Select the Regria Wheat Bread option from the cooking menu that appears and click Request. The price may seem pretty hefty at 1,400 Silver, but you will quickly make this money back as you go through the game.
Related: All Vista Locations in Rethramis in Lost Ark
Protein packed White Bird Stew
You must find the only ingredient, Discouraged Lump, before cooking Protein packed White Bird Stew. Loghill is the only place you can find the Discouraged Lump. You just need to go to the red square in the image above.
You should look for a bush next to a tree at the location above. It is found on the northern edge, just before turning towards the East Oratory, where the red square is highlighted. When an investigation prompt appears, hold G to find it. You will receive a Discouraged Lump after using a quick search bar. If you want, you can get a few at once.
As soon as you have it, go to NPC Chef Hely in Prideholme, and with 1,400 Silver, purchase yourself some Protein Packed White Bird Stew.
500-year old Mera Wine
The first thing you need to do is go to the Aquilok's Head dungeon in the Ankumo Mountain area. You'll need to find a bonfire next to a pile of junk in this place. It's entirely possible to miss this collectible in the dungeon since it's hidden.
You can reach this location by pushing a lever on the left side of the screen, which is not far into the dungeon.
As a result, the boulders behind it will fall, and you can jump down off the cliff into a hidden area that isn't shown on the map. You'll soon come across a satchel if you follow the bottom wall of this location. Investigate the Satchel.
There is, however, one small catch. You don't get 500-year-old Mera wine—you get 499-year-old Mera Wine. This is on purpose. When you hover over the item in your inventory, it will show the duration as two hours. Wait two hours in real-time, and the 499-year-old Mera Wine will become 500-year-old Mera Wine.
Holy Potato with Teeth Marks
You will need to increase your Rapport with Siera the Bard in Prideholme to obtain the Holy Potato with Teeth Marks. She will gift this item to you once you reach Rapport level four. Adding it to your Adventurer Tome will be as simple as right-clicking on it in your inventory, but getting it is time-consuming.
You can check our Rapport with Siera by speaking with her. You will find her at the top of the screen. Increasing your Rapport level to four will take some time and a lot of money. Keep checking back every day and continue to give her gifts or take other actions like Play Instrument.
After you've finally gotten her to Rapport level four, you can claim the reward. You can claim Holy Potato with Teeth Marks by going to Adventure on the bottom-right bar, clicking Rapport, or clicking Alt + N. Click on Rethramis, then press Claim Reward, or the Magnifying Glass in the corner and press Claim Reward under Trusted.
For more information on Lost Ark, check out All Mokoko Seed Rewards in Lost Ark and All World Bosses Locations in Lost Ark on Pro Game Guides.