How the Sabotaged Olympus map update works in Apex Legends
The beloved Olympus map is returning to Apex Legends for Season 12: Defiance, but it isn’t returning without a map update. Most of the time when vaulted maps return to the rotation, they bring an update with it, and Season 12 is no exception. This update is called Sabotaged Olympus, and the floating city is now home to a new Point of Interest (POI) and sneak attack created Mad Maggie herself.
The way the sabotage works is that various building and other geometry such a crate and various objects are teleporting around the map. These objects will stand out as part of the sabotage because rather than being in full color, they will glow with a monochrome scale of blues that outline the object like a blueprint.
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This update means that player need to be adapting to the new surrounding the sabotage brings to the map, as well as utilizing the cover. But careful how comfortable you get behind cover, as Mad Maggie does have her Riot Drill.
Sabotaged Olympus is the standard version of the Olympus map for Season 12 and onward.
For more Apex Legends content, check out All of Mad Maggie’s abilities in Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.