Electric Pokémon Weaknesses and Counters in Pokémon Go

Publish date: 2023-03-07

Electric Pokémon are one of the strongest types in Pokémon Go because they have only one real weakness (Ground Pokémon). Their attacks are boosted by Rainy Weather, so expect to see a lot of other trainers using them if the weather predicts! This guide will help you get through the toughest battles against any type of Electric Pokémon, including some of the strongest combinations!

Electric Pokémon Weaknesses and Counters in Pokémon Go

One of the first things you need to know about choosing the right counters in Pokémon Go is that not all Pokémon are created equal. There is no one-size-fits-all against them. With each sub-type, moveset, and specialty comes the suggestion of a different technique to counter it. That being said, we’re going to cover a couple of things in this guide.

  • Electric-type Weaknesses & Strengths: This will cover the basic resistances, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and strengths that Electric Pokémon have. This will be the go-to list to reference when battling Electric-type Pokémon, but not always.
  • Combination Electric-type Weaknesses & Strengths: This part of the guide will cover the secondary types that Electric Pokémon can have and put particular emphasis on secondary types that might alter their original Weaknesses & Strengths. It is crucial information to know if you’d like to know how to beat some of the strongest Electric Pokémon.
  • Counters: In this last section of the guide, we will cover the counters for Electric Pokémon and their sub-types. It will focus primarily on the Electric Pokémon with sub-types that alter the normal Weaknesses & Strengths. This will be your reference for the best counters against Electric Pokémon, and, if possible, all the sub-types.
  • Weaknesses & Strengths

    The dynamics for Electric Pokémon can be compared to real-life science. They’re weak against Ground Pokémon (and essentially cause no effect on them), and resistant to Steel, Flying and other Electric Attacks. Still, there are additional stats to know about Electric-type Pokémon and Attacks. The list below provides the basic damage effectiveness against their respective types. If anything is not listed, it can be assumed that it applies standard damage/defense.

    Related:Best Poison Type Pokémon in Pokémon Go - Pro Game Guides

    Combination Weaknesses & Strengths

    Sometimes when Pokémon have secondary types, the Weaknesses & Strengths of that type might negate, amplify, or add to the Weaknesses & Strengths of the Pokémon’s primary type. In this list, we’re going to cover specifically the sub-types that change the original Weaknesses & Strengths.


    The best way to counter any Pokémon is to know its weaknesses and strengths, which are listed in the previous two sections of the guide. However, as mentioned before, some of these weaknesses and resistances can be altered with sub-types. So the question is: What do you do if the Pokémon has multiple types? Well, find another counter, of course!

    We’re going to cover a few things with the lists below. First, we’ll explain how to counter against basic Electric Pokémon. Then, we’ll list the best counters for all the sub-types of Electric Pokémon.

    Best Electric Counters

    For Electric Pokémon with no additional sub-types, you’ll almost always want to use Ground attacks and avoid Electric, Flying, and Steel attacks. Note, these advantages do not mean you should counter or avoid countering with those types of Pokémon, but with those types of attacks specifically.

    Since Ground Pokémon are the only type that are both effective against Electric Pokémon and immune to Electric attacks, Ground Pokémon should be considered your standard roster against a trainer who specializes in Electric Pokémon.

    Best Sub-type Counters

    Since Electric Pokémon have four weaknesses, trainers may use counters that negate them. While this can be an advanced technique to use against other unsuspecting trainers, we must remember that each type has its own weaknesses and strengths. This means that while some sub-types might negate a weakness, it could amplify other weaknesses or add new ones. The list below explains all the best counters for every sub-type of Electric Pokémon. Remember, as stated above, the standard roster against Electric Pokémon is Fire and Steel.

    Related:Best Flying Type Pokémon in Pokémon Go - Pro Game Guides

    With this guide, you should be ready to take down any Electric-type focused opponent! In summary, you’ve likely made the realization that the best Pokémon and Attacks to use will probably be Ground-type. However, never bring a Ground Pokémon into a battle against an Electric + Flying Pokémon!

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