Best Professions in World of Warcraft Shadowlands

Publish date: 2023-02-21

Professions are an important part of gameplay in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Professions serve as a major way many players make money, especially while they are still on their way to max level. There are many professions to choose from, so here are some of the best when looking to make money.


Herbalism is a great profession to choose, especially when paired with other professions (like Enchanting or Alchemy) that use herbs for crafting or another gathering profession like Mining. Players can find herbs throughout the world as they travel and with the help of Herbalism they can harvest and sell these items at the auction for profit.


With Jewelcrafting, players can craft vanity items and gems that will boost the stats of its user. The vanity items made by Jewelcrafters (Necklaces, Rings, ETC.) can be sold at auction for a large amount of money. Gems will also be a large money-maker for Jewelcrafters.

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Players that choose the Enchanting profession can give armor and weapons stat boosts. Enchanting gear is essential to high-level players, making players in the Enchanting profession valuable and necessary. Pairing Enchanting with other professions like Tailoring or Blacksmithing will allow players to also craft their own equipment to enchant, cutting out the need to purchase these things from other players.


Professions that allow players to craft armor are very important and lucrative. Pairing Blacksmithing with other professions like Mining or Skinning will allow players to be self-sufficient when crafting. Players can eventually craft legendary pieces which sell for very high prices in the auction, though these are also expensive to craft.


Alchemy allows practices to create things like potions, oils, elixirs, and other items that give the users varying special effects. The Alchemy profession also works well with other professions as it allows players to transmute minerals and gems that can be further crafted by other professions. Herbalism pairs especially well with Alchemy because it allows the gathering of materials to be used in Alchemy which removes the step of buying ingredients and materials. Alchemy is vital to World of Warcraft, and practices can make a reliably large amount of money.

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