Best Civilizations in Age of Empires IV

Publish date: 2023-02-03

When starting a new campaign, one of the most important decisions players can make is which civilization they will rule as. There are eight total civilization options available for players to choose from. These include the Abbasid Dynasty, Chinese, Delhi Sultanate, French, English, Holy Roman Empire, Mongols, and the Rus. We'll go over each of our top picks and what gives them an advantage.

The Abbasid Dynasty

The Abbasid Dynasty can be incredibly useful in certain situations due to their advantages on water. They can get docks within their cities for half of the price that is standard for the other civilizations, making travel and attack by boat well worth investing in. In particular, this group is especially powerful in more ocean-heavy maps. Outside of this, their special unit provides extra defense against cavalry troops.

Advantages of the Abbasid Dynasty

The Holy Roman Empire

Players looking for an economic or religious civilization should consider the Holy Roman Empire. While not overpowering by any means, they make a decent choice for those focused on Wonder or Artifact wins. They are given a unit that makes their settlers more efficient and decent AOE warriors. Overall, they are a nice medium choice for someone looking for something that isn't over or underpowered.

Advantages of the Holy Roman Empire

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The Mongols

Mongols can make a strong choice for players interested in a bit more strategy that pays off. They have advantages and disadvantages as a group such as not being able to build walls, but having cheaper traders. As a group, they have to be played more actively. Whether it's focusing on militarizing or trading, either way, these could be great routes to victory as the Mongols.

Advantages of the Mongols

The Rus

The Rus are one of the most popular choices in-game for a reason. They gain three special units that are all extremely useful in warfare. This includes one of the best gunpowder units, which are available in mid-game. Outside of general warfare, they still make a great choice, as they can beat back other groups to any type of win.

Advantages of the Rus

Related: All military units in Age of Empires IV

The French

Finally, the French make a great choice, especially with their military. Much like the Rus, they mainly have troop advantages. However, the French are more versatile with their powerful landmark and economic bonuses that increase as they survive to later ages. All in all, they are not only one of the easiest groups to play, but also somewhat overpowered.

Advantages of the French

For more Age of Empires content, be sure to check out All Civilizations Mastery Achievements and Rewards in Age of Empires IV on Pro Game Guides.
