All Currency Types in Among Us, Explained

Publish date: 2023-02-26

Innersloth, the creators of the highly successful social deduction game, Among Us, has announced the newest update for the game, and it's a big one! In addition to all sorts of new features and mechanics, Among Us now has its very own cosmetic store, where players can buy different outfits, new visors, bundles, and more.

But with a new store, comes new forms of currency. But how do you get this new currency? What is the currency called? Do I have to buy it? We have got you covered on all your virtual finance queries.


Beans are the baseline in-game currency used to purchase most of the clothing items, visors, and other cosmetics in the game. Beans will be one of the two currencies you can earn within the game. Completing tasks, killing crewmates, and making correct guesses in emergency meetings will reward you with beans. There will also be modifiers that double or triple the number of Beans you earn per match. This will depend on overall performance. 

Related: All Roles in Among Us, Explained


Just like Beans, Pods will be the other currency you can earn in the game. By playing matches and doing well, you will be rewarded with a certain number of Pods. But instead of spending them in the store, Pods will be used to unlock contents found within the new Cosmicubes. The Cosmicubes offer a wide variety of cosmetics to unlock, from clothing to nameplates or even pets. 


Besides the earned currency types, there is also a paid currency called Stars. For now, these are used to buy cosmetic bundles and some of the new Cosmicubes. To get Stars, there is a tab within the store that allows you to use real money to purchase different amounts ranging from 20 Stars to 300 Stars.

For more Among Us guides and information, check out How does the Scientist role work in Among Us?
