All Astrarium Puzzle Solutions in Dragon Age Inquisition
Publish date: 2023-02-14
Astrariums are placed all across the two continents within Dragon Age: Inquisition. Players need to solve three puzzles per area to unlock a hidden cache. Each puzzle is a grouping of stars that players will need to turn into an image. Here are how to solve each of them.
See Cyber Monday Deals on AmazonAstrariums in the Hinterlands
The Outskirts Astrarium
Astrarium in Hafter's Woods
Astrarium in Northern Hafter's Woods
Related: How to Romance Cassandra in Dragon Age Inquisition
Astrariums on the Storm Coast
Astrarium in Morrin's Outlook
Astrarium in the Great Cove
Astrarium in Apostate's Landing
Astrariums on the Western Approach
Astrarium near the Fortress
Astrarium in the Prison Ruins
Astrarium in the Echoback Canyon
Astrariums in Crestwood
Astrarium near the Forester Homestead
Astrarium of Glenmorgan Mine
Astrarium on the East Side Hills
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Astrariums in the Emerald Graves
Astrarium near the Direstone
Astrarium in the Harrow
Astrarium in Nettle Pass
For more Dragon Age content, be sure to check out All Specializations in Dragon Age Inquisition on Pro Game Guides.