All Apex Legends Mobile Characters & Abilities
Apex Legends Mobile will launch later this week, and players are excited to see all the new elements arriving with the global launch. The developers highlighted in the patch notes that a new Legend named Fade will be added to the game. Since the last playtest period has concluded, fans are eager to know how many Legends will be there at the start of Apex Legends Mobile. Apex Legends Mobile will start the game with 10 Legends: Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Bangalore, Lifeline, Pathfinder, Wraith, Octane, Mirage, Caustic, and Fade.
- Passive: Tracker
- Allows you to see tracks left by opponents
- Tactical: Eye of the Allfather
- Reveals enemies, traps, and other structures with a directional scan
- Ultimate: Beast of Hunt
- Bloodhound enters a frenzied state with increased speed and visual senses allowing him to find enemies quicker
- Passive: Gun Shield
- Gibraltar gets a Gun Shield which activates while aiming down sights with a weapon
- Tactical: Dome of Protection
- Gibraltar throws down a dome shield that protects teammates from gunfire and explosive damages
- Ultimate: Defensive Bombardment
- Gibraltar calls down a concentrated mortar strike that impacts all enemies trapped in the area
- Passive: Double Time
- While taking fire, Banglore gets a slight speed boost for a few seconds
- Tactical: Smoke Launcher
- Bangalore shoots down a smoke that cuts off vision in a small area
- Ultimate: Rolling Thunder
- Bangalore calls down an artillery strike that decimates enemies caught in its range
Related: Who makes Apex Legends Mobile?
- Passive: Combat Medic
- Lifeline deploys her D.O.C. Drone to revive knocked teammates
- Tactical: D.O.C. Heal Drone
- Lifeline deploys a D.O.C Heal Drone to heal teammates nearby
- Ultimate: Care Package
- Lifeline calls forth a high-tier loot Care Package and it can be a great cover to use at specific situations
- Passive: Insider Knowledge
- Pathfinder can scan Survey Beacons to find the next zone circle
- Tactical: Grappling Hook
- Pathfinder shoots a hook allowing the Legend to grapple ahead with directional input
- Ultimate: Zipline Gun
- Pathfinder deploys a Zipline that connects two areas, teammates can use the zipline
- Passive: Voices from the Void
- Wraith can sense when enemies are locked on to her with their weapons
- Tactical: Into the Void
- Wraith enters a dimensional void for a few seconds
- Ultimate: Dimensional Rift
- Wraith tears through dimensions to create a temporary teleporter by linking two spots
- Passive: Swift Mend
- Octane automatically regenerates small amounts of health over time
- Tactical: Stim
- Octane's Stim allows the Legend to move faster for a brief while taking a small damage
- Ultimate: Launch Pad
- Octane's Launch Pad allows players to easily relocate from one location to another by using two forward jumps
- Passive: Now You See Me . . .
- Mirage becomes invisible while reviving a teammate, or respawning them at Beacons
- Tactical: Psyche Out
- Mirage deploys a controllable decoy whose movements mimic the original Legend's pathing
- Ultimate: Life of the Party
- Mirage deploys a team of six decoys to distract enemies
Related: All of Fade’s abilities in Apex Legends Mobile
- Passive: Nox Vision
- Caustic's passive ability allows the Legend to see enemies clearly with Nox Vision
- Tactical: Nox gas trap
- Caustic can setup up to three gas traps at a time. Enemies coming in contact with the traps will take damage
- Ultimate: Nox Gas Grenade
- Nox Gas Grenade shrouds a large area under toxic gas. Opponents take damage while they are inside the gas.
- Passive: Slipstream
- Fade gets a short speed boost after sliding
- Tactical: Flashback
- Fade teleports to a previous location by ripping through dimensions
- Ultimate: Phase Chamber
- Fade uses the activator core from his suit to cause an explosion that phases everyone within close proximity for a while. This makes them unable to deal or receive damage.
For more Apex Legends Mobile content, check out How to Pre-Register for Apex Legends Mobile or Rift Stalker Legendary Wraith skin and Sanguine Bundle details Apex Legends here on Pro Game Guides.